Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where I Teach Wednesday

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' again. Today's topic: Where I Teach Wednesday! 

Take a look at where I spend my days from August - May. Ocean view from my classroom window! It's not always this blue...

Left: My reading center. I really wish my reading center could be close to my classroom library, but with the way it is set up, it's just not possible. Each day, a different group can choose to read in the reading center. They LOVE sitting on the pillows and beach chair.                   

Right: Classroom library! I saw the children's book bunting idea on Pinterest and I had to make it for my classroom. I used the book jackets from books I previously purchased at Kohl's. You can read about Kohl's current book collection here

Left: Student mailboxes - Every student has his/her own mailbox. This really cuts down on the amount of time passing out papers. Every Friday, my aide files all of the graded papers to be sent home and she puts them in the mailboxes. 

Right: Writing Wall & Publishing Table - We love writer's workshop in 2nd grade. We work through every step in the writing process during all of our writing projects. The publishing table is where I place special paper, book covers, etc. for when it comes time to publish. It is empty now, but will be bursting with publishing supplies in the next few weeks. 

Top: Grab Your Passport! Every student has a passport in class. Passports are stamped for making good choices and excellent student behavior. We study the continents in 2nd grade and they love looking at all of the maps. 

Bottom: Bulletin boards that are changed throughout the year, based on topics we are studying. 

Front of the classroom - SMARTboard 

 I think I've shared enough pictures for one post. Where do you teach every day? 

ABCs & 123s, 


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