"Do you know how people fall in love Miss Schneider? Cupid shoots his arrow at a boy and girl and that's how it happens." - direct quote from one of my 2nd graders during our Valentine's Day Party this afternoon. I think some of them have been bitten by the love bug.
It was a busy day in 2nd grade -
I made these Valentines to give my students. I used the smiley monster font from Kevin and Amanda's website and I found the stickers at a local store. I purchased both the pencils and bubbles from Target and tied them together with yarn. They were super quick and easy to create and my students loved them. What 2nd grader doesn't love a new pencil and bubbles?
"You're sharp Valentine! I'm bubbling over with thanks for all your hard work!"
We started our party with Valentine's Day Bingo. Each student received a Bingo board and a list of Valentine inspired words. I copied their boards on pink paper, because the game is obviously more exciting with bright colored paper. Students were instructed to write each of the words in random order on their own bingo boards. (See my example below.)
They used candy conversation hearts to mark the words I called off. It was a fun way to review horizontal, vertical and oblique lines, as well as practice how to spell some difficult words. (I think teachers can find something educational in any activity and the students don't realize they are actually learning at the same time!) Although they had a lot of fun playing bingo, I think their favorite part of the game was when I said, "Okay, you can eat the game pieces now!"
We ended the party with grilled cheese hearts, strawberries and Rice Krispie Treats. I could go on and on about my amazing room mothers and their cute ideas - the grilled cheese hearts were a hit!
Happy Valentine's Day! What did you do to celebrate?
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