Is your school or congregation interested in a new mission project? Are you looking for somewhere to donate your weekly chapel offerings? Be sure to check out the LMI website and get involved in this wonderful project being sponsored by the LCMS! Read on to learn more...
Mali, malaria, mosquitos...oh my!
Several elementary schools and congregations within the English District have already contributed to LMI. $10 is all it costs to send a treated bed net to a family in need. Education and training on how to properly use a bed net is also given to every family. Last spring, students in San Francisco, CA contributed their chapel offerings to LMI. Over $2,000 was brought in by the students and their families. Together, they donated over 200 treated bed nets to send to Africa. Students kept track of how many bed nets were donated by hanging mosquitos in the hallway for every $10 that was given as chapel offering. As you can see from the pictures, the hallways were overtaken with mosquitos!
In addition to schools and congregations joining together to combat malaria, a small group of deaconesses, DCEs, lay leaders, pastors and teachers have come together to serve on the English District LMI Team. The meetings are held via conference call, as the team members are spread across several different states and time zones. The team will serve as a coaching model and resource for congregations who wish to support the LMI. The English District officially kicked off the LMI project at this summer’s district convention in St. Louis. Martie the Mosquito was seen buzzing around, encouraging conference attendees to get excited about LMI and what they can do to support ongoing partnerships in Africa. It is the committee's hope and prayer that English District schools and congregations will join us “under the net” to put an end to this deadly disease that is taking away so many lives.
Together, we can change “Mali, malaria, mosquitos!” to “millions saved, medical treatment and the message of the gospel proclaimed!” What will your school or congregation do to help this worthy cause? Together, we can save lives.
Statistics and facts stated in the article were taken from Be sure to visit the website for more information, resources and ways to support LMI. Don’t forget to “Like” Lutheran Malaria Initiative on Facebook and share what your congregation is doing to help in the fight against malaria. Pictures of current projects are especially appreciated.
Heather Schneider is a 2nd grade teacher in San Francisco, CA. She serves on the English District Lutheran Malaria Initiative Team.
Heather, this is our school's first offering, too! Thanks for the idea of keeping track of nets with mosquitoes!
You're welcome, Miss Weiss! :) The pictures really got the students excited about the project! (Especially the K-3 students.) Every week in chapel we would announce the amount that was collected the previous week. They got so excited to see more and more mosquitos in the hallway every week!
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